Brahmins occupy the highest ritual position among the four varnas of Hinduism. Since the LateVedic period the Brahmins, who were generally classified as priests, were also rulers,zamindars, and holders of other highest administrative posts. Following is the list of dynasties ruled by Brahmins in the Indian Subcontinent: The Shunga Empire of Magadha was established by Pushyamitra Shunga. The Kanva dynasty replaced the Shunga Empire in Magadha and ruled in the Eastern regions of India. Satavahana dynasty was a dynasty of vishvamitra gotra that ruled the Deccan region. Shalankayana dynasty of ancient India ruled a part of Coastal Andhra from 300 to 440 CE. Parivrajaka dynasty ruled parts of central India during the 5th and 6th centuries. The kings of this dynasty bore the title Maharaja, and probably ruled as feudatories of the Gupta Empire. The royal family came from a lineage of Brahmins of Bharadvaja Gotra. Kadamba dynasty (345 – 525 CE) w...
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